Welcome to theDigiHi.com
theDigiHi.com is a chatbot blog, run by me, Supriyo Chowdhury, to give you knowledge and teach you strategies that you need to know to create a chatbot by your own.
Who is Supriyo Chowdhury?
And How does he know about all of this?
I’m a active guy in my twenties who is constantly learning new strategies to develop a chatbot. I am an IBM certified IBM Watson developer, Amazon certified Alexa Skill Developer and also a part-time freelancer. I have deep knowledge on other frameworks like DialogFlow (by Google), Microsoft Luis, snips.ai, wit.ai etc. I have even worked on famous facebook messenger bots like ChatFuel, ManyChat etc.
Hence I am sharing whatever knowledge I have gained in this field in the form of a blog.
The purpose behind theDigiHi.com
A Big Dream to Help Millions Of People
I know that a lot of people struggle to find out the perfect way to develop a chatbot by their own. Hence I bring all the information i.e., what is chatbots, history of chatbots, applications of chatbots, frameworks available for chatbot development, best and easy-to-use frameworks within them, chatbots for websites, chatbots for Facebook Messenger and other social networking sites, uploading chatbots etc. in a single place.
When it comes to chatbot development, I’m always here and committed to helping you succeed.